Loss and Perseverance

Post-pandemics leaders must ensure that their organizations stay intimately connected to a higher purpose and value system that reframes “loss, frustration, isolation, and adversity” as an opportunity to appreciate and model “gratitude, fortitude, humility, and service.”

Read moreKeith Kefgen

A Conversation with Le Cordon Bleu about Talent, Trends, and Entrepreneurship

I recently connected with Dr Thomas Kyritsis, Senior Lecturer at Le Cordon Bleu and Director for the Master and Bachelor programmes which the organisation runs together with Birkbeck College, University of London, Our conversation started on the impact of Brexit on education and the UK hospitality industry but quickly moved to other topics. Are industry executives still ‘taking the plunge’ to pursue their own entrepreneurial endeavours? If so, what trends or shifts in consumer behaviour should individuals keep in mind that might shape the industry …?

Read moreThomas Mielke

New Technologies to Balance “Speed-Accuracy Trade-Offs” in Hiring

Psychology says that decision-making is complicated by a “speed-accuracy” trade-off. This issue becomes more salient as the post-pandemic “rebound and recovery” period approaches. Many organizations will need to increase their talent bench-strength quickly to meet pent-up demand. New psychometric research and AI-technologies confront the traditional trade-off by facilitating more efficient and effective hiring decisions than ever possible before.

Read moreThomas Mielke

Hospitality’s ‘Hot Seat’ Leadership Series: COOs – A Tale Of Two Fortunes

curiosity about the ‘hot functions’ is keeping both organisational leadership teams as well as individual executives preoccupied. How can one best reshuffle or complement one’s existing leadership team? Are there specific experiences or skills which could further enhance one’s own executive profile – and thus one’s ‘marketability’?

Read moreAndrew Hazelton, Thomas Mielke

A Conversation About Investor Sentiment and the Role of Human Capital in Acquisition Due Diligence

With local and regional lockdowns still in place, Romain and I caught up over a cup of coffee, using one of the now omnipresent video chat platforms which have, throughout the past 12 months, proven so helpful in maintaining ‘face-to-face’ contact and a sense of normality [...]. We started talking about sentiment amongst the hotel investment community, about the role of human capital and talent in the acquisition due diligence process and about prospects for 2021 and beyond.

Read moreThomas Mielke

Company Cultures and Residual Shockwaves from 2020

Social and economic disruptions often shift people’s behaviours ― sometimes in small ways, other times more seismic. On this point, Aethos™ conducted a ‘COVID Gap’ analysis for the C-suite within hospitality organisations at the end of last year. Yet, our ongoing interactions with industry investors and operators reveal that the pandemic has affected considerably more than an organisation’s senior leadership teams. Industry feedback consistently indicated that last year’s disruption clearly had a lasting impact throughout the organisational chart. We therefore examined empirical data to clarify the nature and extent of these apparent cultural shifts to organisations.

Read moreThomas Mielke

Governance in a Changing World

The restaurant industry has been hit especially hard by COVID. Layoffs, closures, a shift to delivery and outdoor dining, as well as mergers and acquisitions have dominated the news this past year. Many executives and even board directors have taken pay cuts during this health crisis. We also have seen restaurant boards in the news over the last several months. For example, in March 2021, Mellody Hobson will become the first African American Chairwoman of the Board of a Fortune 500 company – Starbuck – which is long overdue.

Read moreKeith Kefgen, Terry Donovan

Hospitality’s ‘Hot Seat’ Leadership Series: Trends in Key Functions

We are frequently asked by leaders in our industry what roles are ‘hot’ and where are we seeing movement? That curiosity is reflective of our highly competitive sector, one where individuals are eager to further their professional development but also an industry where scarcity of talent remains an issue – and the pandemic, perhaps counter-intuitively, will probably exaggerate this even further. Of course, one cannot deny that at present there is a larger than usual talent pool for employees to pick and choose from. However, the pandemic has also caused some considerable ‘talent haemorrhaging’, with executives having taken the decision to re-orient their career or to leave the sector for good. On top of that we have already witnessed well-capitalised industry players starting to ‘snap up’ talent so that they are ahead of the curve when it comes to driving and shaping the recovery.

Read moreAndrew Hazelton, Thomas Mielke

Performance Analysis of the ‘Covid Gap’ in the C-Suite

Das vergangene Jahr 2020 hat vielen soliden Firmen den Boden unter den Fuessen weggerissen. Allerdings gibt es auch Unternehmen, die 2020 schwarze Zahlen geschrieben haben – teils aufgrund der Geschaeftmodelle, teils wegen der Agilitaet und Kreativitaet von Fuehrungspersoenlichkeiten und Managementteams. Diese Agilitaet beizubehalten bleibt daher sehr wichtig. Der Jahresbeginn ist ein guter Zeitpunkt, um das alte Jahr Revue passieren zu lassen und vom Erlebten zu lernen. Wir raten Unternehmen und Fuehrungskraeften immer dazu sich die folgenden drei Fragen zu stellen: 1. Was muessen wir weiterhin so machen wie gehabt? 2. Womit muessen wir anfangen, um ein positives Momentum zu gewinnen? 3. Womit sollten wir aufhoeren, um negative Konsequenzen zu vermeiden?

Read moreThomas Mielke

Why HR Practitioners Look Forward to Rolling-Up Their Sleeves as 2021 Provides Opportunities To ‘Build Back Better’

“I recognise,” Susan said, “one has to grasp opportunities when they present themselves.” The year 2021 is one such instance – “for HR professionals, it provides the chance to really leave a lasting positive impact on the way hospitality organisations are facing the uphill struggle, but also the opportunities that present themselves after a year of destruction to build back better”.

Read moreThomas Mielke
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